
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Birthday Fairy

Ok, so this has nothing to do with a recipe, but this is a fun tradition that I grew up with. When I was a child birthdays were HUGE in my family. Not expensive huge, but tradition huge. We got to pick our very own birthday breakfast. I usually picked donuts or Marshmallow Mateys since those were considered something for special occasions.

We also got to pick our birthday dinner. Like we are talking the whole menu. I loved to pick chicken roll-ups and fruit pizza. My parents made the day feel so special and birthdays were something we were so excited about. I remember getting just as excited for birthdays as I did for Christmas. I loved being together with family.

My favorite birthday tradition was the Birthday Fairy. The night before our birthday we would leave out our favorite pair of shoes. We would go to bed and the Birthday Fairy would magically come and leave quarters for every year plus one to grow on. Even though it wasn't a secret of how many quarters would end up in our shoe, I loved to sit and count them. I would put them in my Piggy Bank and save them for something special.

Kynli, Braxton (my awesome BIL) and I all have birthdays in March.
It is so fun!
March is a big month for birthdays in our family. My daughter turned three and this is the first year she has really understood the concept of the birthday fairy. She was so proud to pick out her shoes and was tickled with delight to see the quarters in the morning. She asked me if the Birthday could leave dimes next year instead. :) I love the sweet innocence of children and how the simplest things are so fun. I love carrying on this tradition in my own family.

The thing I'm realizing now that I'm older is that traditions don't have to be extravagant. It's just about doing the little things that make big memories for your family. I came from a family of simple means, we never went on big vacations and holidays were monetarily simple. I have so many wonderful memories from my childhood and all of them revolve around family, celebrating and tradition.

I hope I can give and create memories like these for my family. And there is just something so special about carrying these traditions with my kids. And you are never too old for a visit from the Birthday Fairy. :)


  1. I think this is my favorite tradition to carry on to my kids. I'm excited for Wyatt to have the birthday fairy come next month. He gets so excited for it.

    1. That is so fun that you guys do the Birthday Fairy, too! She visited me yesterday, but I only got 10 quarters and an I.O.U. :) Guess that means I'm getting old! :)

  2. love it juli! the birthday fairy just visited us yesterday for hudson's birthday. i was so proud when he peeked in his shoe and inherently knew to pull something out. when he started to put the quarter in his mouth, that is where i had to intervene. but he'll get it someday!

    1. I was thinking about you and your Mom! I love that you guys do that tradition, too. LOL., Kynli was the same way with the quarters until this year. It's nice that she is young enough to think quarters are awesome. It'll only be a few years until she wonders why the Birthday Fairy doesn't bring dollar bills. ;)
